Frivolous Universe

Tag "tooled leather purse"

vintage Coach bootsWhat is Pursuing Andie? For me it’s a way of life.

vintage coach, coach boots, hand tooled leather purseI was raised on second hand items. We had plenty of new things, but it was always the old and worn that got my attention. Ever since I can remember, my father has been rebuilding a classic car or heading out to an auction. The treasures he would bring home were like gold to me. If it was loved before it ended up in my hands, I knew it was special.

Not all people like thrift shops….my husband constantly tells me I’m taking him to the “ghetto”. But from that “ghetto” of previously loved items I have built the vintage clothing shop – Pursuing Andie. This adventure in life has allowed me to be a mom that can work from home and raise my daughter.

vintage turquoise ringI have found some of the most beautiful pieces of vintage clothing at auctions, thrift shops, and estate sales. I’m a pearls, pumps, and little black dress kind of girl. Love my jeans as well, but there is something about the little black dress that makes me feel like I could take on the world.

Thank you,  Mademoiselle Coco Chanel and Audrey Hepburn for the inspiration that is my closet. Both of the outfits in the photos are entirely thrifted, even the COACH boots (shown in the first outfit of this post). I must say, these boots have to be one of my best finds ever. I’m pretty sure that even if they were not my size I would have been willing to sacrifice a few toes to wear them… I’m head over heels in love with Etsy and that is where you can find my shop. Stop by and take a look around, you just might find a treasure that you can’t live without~

Many thanks to Kelly Lynae and Anna Demetriades for the photos, and to my beautiful daughter Ella and wonderful husband Nathan.



