Frivolous Universe

Tag "thriftstore fashion"

All winter I ruminated on the past like a dog rolling over in something dead.


Tentative mountains springs teach us that there is a boundary zone between the old life and the new. Snow clings on peaks. Lupine blossoms in the sage when it’s still cold enough for fox fur.


In a sage forest the witch casts her spell.


That some people will die before we can see where they came from.


April in Hailey, Idaho. You can rock in the red chair on the front porch of the house Ezra Pound was born in.


The Parallel is an imaginary line, invoked by signage. On one side we are closer to Helsinki, on the other side, Kuala Lumpur.


In May we test the mountain roads. They are almost passable.


And spring arrives like a Cymbalta ad, full of hyperbolic promises.


turquoise sweatshirt: James Perse; teal green jeans: Russian Market, Phnom Penh; wool hat: Calvin Klein; Thai silk top: vintage; turtle amulet: Amulet Market, Bangkok; black cargo pants: Paige; black coat: Made in the Ukraine; Spanish riding boots: Frye; fox fur collared coat: charity shop, London


Screen shot from



Photography: Ned Evett


Neither a borrower nor a lender be
For loan oft loses both itself and friend
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

Kelly Lynae photographer, vintage shoes, Hazel Cox, Betty Page hair, beaded jewelry, persimmon clothes, Adolfo Studio summer dress, linen dress for summerPoor Polonius. Such a miserly and overbearing old man….must have had his fair share of unfortunate outcomes after lending a helping hand to his fellow man. Or perhaps Shakespeare just needed a wary character to serve as a vessel for his own general mistrust of people. Either way, I hope to never get to a point in my life where this principle makes sense to my way of being.
(sidenote: I find it morbidly appropriate that I happen to be crouching beside a Moneytree brick in this picture, given the topic of my blog…..)

Photographer Kelly Lynae, Adolfo Studio dress, black leather purse styles, turquoise and orange, net shoes, vintage, thrifting, borrowed look, tattoo styles on womenI have been through a few toilsome trials recently that could easily have broken my belief in the giveth-receiveth spirit of living, but thankfully I have people in my life who give happily, readily, on a moment’s notice…and understand me well enough to know I’ll do the same. We are both borrowers and lenders, because our lives are better for it.

photographer Kelly Lynae, persimmon dress, Hazel Cox, blue and orange, summer in Boise, women tattoos, Betty Page haircut, blunt bangs, short skirt, short dress, slutty frock

At 5:15pm on Monday, just 30 minutes before I had to be at Story Story Night’s latest show – FAiL: Stories of Mistakes and Misfires – I called Kelly in a complete quandary over what to wear. She told me to come by her house, and as I rushed in the door a few minutes later, she gave me a big hug and handed me this spicy persimmon-hued frock. Later, she took these fantastic photos of me in her dress. In exchange, I bought her a ticket to the show and a little Piehole. A perfect trade.

handmade beadwork, hiding in the grass, bright orange fashion statement, white coral necklace, grasping

It’s a small thing, loaning a person your clothing (after all, it is just form-fitting material), but it’s a big gesture. It says you trust the person well enough to know you’ll see them again soon, and shows that you care enough about a person’s wellbeing that you want them to feel their best in a crowded room full of strangers.

Shakespeare, Hamlet, orange in fashion, tangerine PMS new Pantone color, hot 2012 colors in fashion, Kelly Lynae photographer

Doing my best Ophelia impersonation…..

Dress: Adolfo Studio
Shoes: vintage thrift store find, no tag
Black leather purse: gift, no tag
Earrings & long necklace: Hazel Cox
Red glass bead necklace: Antique World Mall
Turquoise Navajo ring: gift from great-grandmother
Beaded bracelet: handmade by Kelly Lynae

bone white shoes, lace-up heels, vintage shoe style









