Frivolous Universe

Tag "sweater dress"

I would rather dress out of place than commonplace. It is certainly uncomfortable at times to stand out and risk the occasional snarky comment or stare. I figure dressing to stand out is great practice for not caring about what other people think. And, someday I think the thick skin and the courage I gain from this practice will come in handy. Dressing commonplace would only have the benefit of blending in.

Sweater dress, silver metalic leggings, Afghani vintage silver bracelet, Turkmen necklace, gray leather clutch purse, and gray leather ankle boots (Sci-Fi fashion)

Sweater dress, silver metalic leggings, Afghani vintage silver bracelet, Turkmen necklace, gray leather clutch purse, and gray leather ankle boots

XL sweater dress: Stan Sport, thrift store, $2.50
Vintage Turkmen silver necklace: Armor Bijoux
Silver metallic leggings: Wet Seal, 4+ years ago
Leather ankle boots: Report, some boutique 4+ years age
Leather vintage clutch: Genuine Leather, thrift store, $6.5o

Photographer: Jeanne Von Giltzow
