Frivolous Universe

Tag "Salt glasses"

When I was growing up, my mother was the great defender of prioritization – done your homework? cleaned your room? washed your hair? No task to small or too great – all must be accomplished in a timely fashion.

Hazel Cox jewelry, white jade jewelry, Salt glasses, Darcy Nutt tattoo, magnolia tattoo

As a result, I am now a master list maker – daily, weekly, monthly…business, personal, potential. When I stray from those lists (or worse, neglect to make them), work life goes asunder and I skip happily off to lala land.

Every few months, I meet up with a group of women in the same line of work as me, and we share tips on how to keep oneself above water and swimming forward. I found our last meeting particularly useful, as it was all about finding ways to work more efficiently. Some suggestions that stuck with me:

1) Start your day by looking at your list of things to do, and no matter how long the list may be, just select 3 items to complete. If you finish those items in good time, select 3 more. Then call it a day.

2) Limit your email checks to 3 – 5 times per day. Don’t let that constant stream of emails distract you from your tasks.

3) Build “cave days” into your regular work routine, and don’t allow anyone or anything to keep you from completing your goals for that day.

On the day I took these pictures, I had a mini cave day. I set aside 4 hours alone in the Story Story Night office to complete 3 very important items on my list. With those tasks finished, I had about 30 minutes to take these photos with my computer cam before heading off to yoga. Priorities!

Speaking of, this is truly a priorities-based outfit. While not the most flattering frock (I feel a bit like a spokesmodel for the Stylish Stork in this getup), it is hopelessly comfortable and makes my bicycle commute an easy one. And as a bonus, all I had to do to prep for yoga was kick off my shoes and whip off my dress. How’s that for efficient use of time!

Story Story Night, yoga clothes

Dress: organic cotton & bamboo pocket-frock by Pi-Tees
Leggings & sport tank: Target brand
Shoes: leather loafers by Cole Haan

beaded bracelet, red and blue, turquoise Navajo silver pawn ring, Hazel Cox earrings, Hazel Cox necklace, Darcy Nutt tattoo

Earrings & Necklace: Hazel Cox
Bracelet: hand-beaded gift from Kelly Lynae
Ring: old pawn Navajo turquoise & silver


Salt Optics, titanium glasses, Frye Dorado boots, vintage knits, vintage Pendelton, ochre tights, color tights, thrift store fashion, vintage fashion, thrifty, photographer Kelly Lynae

There’s this amazing thing that happens here in our humble City of Trees……it’s called STORY STORY NiGHT. Ever heard of it? If not, you should check it out. True stories on a theme, told live onstage and without notes. Simple…right? Anyone can do it. YOU can do it. But if the thought of getting onstage and telling a tale from your life leaves you feeling at a lose for words, our STUDiO can help you find em. And get this – it’s FREE. Every month. True story.

photographer Kelly Lynae, Salt optics, titanium glasses, Story Story Night, storytelling, true story, Hazel Cox, velvet blazerPart of my role at Story Story Night is to guide the story-curious through the oft winding path of bringing a life experience to the stage. I think of this process as a journey of sorts. What follows is an abridged version of what we call the Essential Elements of Story. If you want the full length version, well, you’ll just have to attend the STUDiO, dear readers.

photographer Kelly Lynae, ochre velvet, velvet jacket, vintage knit tee, Pendelton wool skirt, Frye boots, how to tell a storyAn Instructorly Outfit: vintage knit tee by R & K Knits / vintage wool skirt by Pendleton
vintage velvet blazer by Koret / black leather riding boots by Frye / earrings by Hazel Cox
antique gold bangles and rings from grandma / glasses by Salt

photographer Kelly Lynae, Hazel Cox earrings, knit clothing, standing at the window, gold bangles, antique jewelry, thrifting for fashion

The map of your story is the direction in which you choose to guide your audience. If you remember to stay on track and indulge your audience by describing the highlights (or more often, low points) along the way, they’ll stay with you to the end.

Don’t wear your travelers out. More importantly, don’t wear yourself out. Give your story the space it needs in order to be fully realized and experienced by your audience.

This is the key turn in your story – the surprising moment when you choose not to stay the course and things get real. Now is the time to reveal to them your vulnerability.

Now that you’ve taken these tourists of your life to the next level and invited them to be a part of the journey by taking that left turn with you, go the distance. Drive your story home by fearlessly reflecting on how that left turn affected you.

Be sure to give your travelers something to remember you by. For the purposes of this journey, the perfect farewell gift is a solid, meaningful goodbye.

R&K Knits, vintage knits, thrifting, thrift store, thrift store fashion, knit clothing, buttons down the back

Thank you Kelly Lynae for the lovely photos, and thank you Jessica Holmes for turning your Story Story brainchild into a Boise phenomenon. 

