Frivolous Universe

Tag "Navajo turquoise jewelry"

This outfit is inspired by Kelly’s Turban and Kaftan birthday party. One night of putting on a turban to celebrate was not enough for me. I am drawn to wearing accessories that are novel and/or bold. Some of my favorite accessories are a fertility necklace, tribal collar, colored tights, suspenders, beret, neck tie, armor silver cuff, fedora, and Tibetan breast plate. I like to build my outfit around the accessories rather than the other way around. For this ensemble, I centered everything around the turban. The rarity of it in Idaho and the mysteriousness that it exudes makes me obsessed with it.

Turban: Urban Outfitters scarf (Price: $20)

This is me ashamed. As you keep reading you will realize how much of an Urban Outfitters addict I used to be.

Sweater: Urban Outfitters (Gift, 2 years ago)
Dress: Urban Outfitters (Price: $60, 2 years ago)
Pin: Navajo antique silver (Gift)

Indian Navajo Rings and Armor Bijoux braceletRings I can’t take off: Navajo green turquoise and silver (Gift)
Afghanistan silver bracelet: Armor Bijoux

Boots: Urban Outfitters (Price: $20 originally $78)
Mauve tights: Target (Price: $8)

With the help of thrift stores, I am recovering from my Urban Outfitter addiction one day at a time.

Photographer: Kelly Lynae Robinson


If you could ask a psychic anything about your future and there was no question whether other not they could predict your future, what would you ask them?

I started posing this question to friends five months ago when I was pondering the idea of visiting a psychic. Here are a few of the responses I got:

How and will I meet my soul mate?
Will I be successful in my career?
Should I focus on my career right now or be thinking about getting married and starting a family?
Does predicting the future mean there is no free will?

The were a couple of motives behind my question: I wanted to know what concerns my friends were facing and I also wanted to examine if knowing what to expect made it easier to take action in life.

The poncho I wore to see a psychic: thrift store find borrowed from Kim    

I am in a new stage in my life where I no longer feel the obligation to play it safe and get a career job, buy a house, and start a family. Sorry mom. Moving away from tradition, I am still struggling with wanting to blueprint the unknown. Examining the idea of visiting a psychic was an attempt to alleviate my anxiety about whether or not I was going in the right direction.

Blue dress: Gap
Blue v-neck sweater: Gap

Two months ago I made an appointment to see the famous psychic David Akins who happens to reside in Nampa, Idaho. People all over the world fly in to see him. I have a couple of friends who claim he has predicted crazy events. One went to see him just before deciding whether to move to Texas or go away to New York. Akins indicated that something disastrous would happen in Texas. He also told my friend that she would end up in a motorcycle accident but would only break her left leg. A few months later, Hurricane Katrina hit.  She ended up with a broken left leg in New York after a motorcycle accident.

Glorious upholstery booties: hand made from Chile, gift
Green turquoise rings: antique Navajo Indian, gift

As I got closer to my reading on December 1, I was uncertain if I wanted a prediction of my future accurate or hokey. In the last couple of months, my anxiety about my future has calmed because I have been discovering what I want and have been able to go after it. In the past I have wanted and chosen romantic relationships, friendships, and a career; If I had known they were not going to workout, I would have lost the joy they have brought me. The beauty of the unknown is it allows me to have adventures.

How did my psychic reading go? I was told I was sharp. My chosen focus in my life is not to judge people. I have the same aura of CEOs that have come to visit him, which I suppose means I am going to be successful. I will always have an aching to serve people. If I am not expressing myself creatively, I need to be. He sees me traveling a lot in life. There was more but it basically left a lot to the unknown.

Photos by Kim Philley.


There was a graphic designer who was hired for her first career job at a small, creative marketing firm. She got to dream up and create things such as filming a dog and pony show to showcase the company’s portfolio. Life was pretty good.

Then one day a copywriter in a light brown dress with shoulder length, curly hair and a bicycle helmet on entered the firm’s doors smiling. Her laughter was magnetic, warm and inviting. Her name was Jessica Holmes. The designer knew instantly she wanted Jessica and her to be good friends.

Four years later, after another successful evening of Story, Story Night, the designer is wearing ochre tights (Target: $5) and celebrating that friendship with Jessica, and the ones that have followed in her wake.

Jessica attracts talented, passionate and goodhearted people. Because of this, the designer has met many new friends.  This dress is a Target hand-me-down from one of those generous and creative souls, Kelly Lynae, a woman with a mesmerizing singing and writing voice. Bottoming out this outfit are chocolate velvet, high heeled shoes from a thrift store, $5-6.

It is hard to tell what is going on in this photo, but you should know Kelly is wearing something epic and she might be sharing it with you on Monday.

The wooden necklace was a Christmas gift from last year. The green turquoise the designer may never take off is antique Navajo silver jewelry given to her by her mom.

This is the designer’s date, another gifted and talented friend of Jessica’s. He’s a conceptual artist whose paintings are inspired by introspection and social analysis. His name is Marcus Pierce and he is a keeper. Largely because he waited around for a long time while the designer shot photos of the FU ladies.

Thank you Jessica, for changing and enriching this designer’s life. I hope there is no end to this story.

Anna, I love these photos you took of me.
AND . . . Happy Birthday Kelly!!!
