Frivolous Universe

Tag "Idaho"

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter

I’m back in ‘Merica for a spell and what a strange place. I took my time getting here. When I arrived in Pasadena to stay the night at a friend’s house, wild green parrots were flying overhead–the raucous descendants of a pair that had been released in the city decades ago. As the tropical birds flew across the silhouettes of transplanted palm trees, I thought about how few of us stay in our place these days–not even the filial-minded Chinese.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

During a 13-hour layover in Seoul, I dropped by Changdeokgung Palace and became obsessed with these morphic, almost abstract figures above the palace eaves. It was a clear September day, and after Bangkok the city felt like a wilderness retreat. I was no longer living between two open jackhammer-happy construction pits. The Koreans spoke to one another in subdued, melodious tones. Seoul, Thank God, was already constructed.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

The one thing I bought in Seoul is this soft straw hat. I love the way the sun filters through its floppy eaves. The hat is both a concrete and amorphous roof for the head.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

An Italian bike, Bangkok-minimart plastic shoes, a Chinese tattoo inked in New Orleans. We’re all mixed up these days and filled with the nonsensical squawks of parrots, political chatter. I’m beginning to agree with Hemingway in that there are many words I cannot stand to hear, and finally only the names of places have dignity.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

Bangkok, Seoul, Pasadena, Idaho, Bianchi, Dodge Dart, Bethany.

Kim Philley, Frivolous Universe, American Apparel, Paige cargo pants, Korean hat, Idaho, plastic shoes, Bethany Walter, Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul

Photographs by Bethany Walter

bike: Bianchi; car: Dodge Dart; cargo pants: Paige; cotton shirt: American Apparel; straw hat: somewhere in Seoul at the base of the mountains; plastic shoes: Jelly Bunny; wood-bead bracelets: a gift from a child at Angkor Wat



Winter in McCall is cold and dry this year. What should be a tiny mountain town blanketed in crisp, white snow drifts and bustling with ski-loving tourists is instead a bitter cold, ice encrusted, and nearly vacant little corner of Idaho. Everywhere I went during my last trip home, shop owners were wringing their hands and praying for snow. Since the saw mill closed in ’77, McCall’s economy shifted greatly – from that of a working man’s town to some semblance of a tourist town.

Strange and frustrating though the weather is, it affords the locals some incredible – and free – entertainment. Little Lake froze hard and fast this year, and the lack of snow combined with the extreme cold made it possible to walk on ice unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Like tiny galaxies suspended in the deep black of space, air bubbles of all shapes and sizes peered up at me from the vast expanse of the frozen lake. Trapped between layers of ice along their upward journey, the pockets of air shimmered like mercury orbs in the brittle sunlight.

The day my mother and I ventured out upon the creaking, booming ice of the winter prairie, there were scores of McCall locals scattered across the lake, quietly enjoying the remarkable and ephemeral gift nature made for us.

Simple elegance – air and ice.

Me, taking pictures of the ice formation shown in the above photograph. The rest of these lovely images were taken by my mom. We had a beautiful day together…..

Shawl: poly-wool blend – no tags (thrift store)
Sweater vest: wool – J Crew (new)
Blouse: silk – no tags (thrift store)
Skirt: wool – Pendleton (thrift store)
Boots: leather/shearling wool – Blondo (thrift store)
Belt: leather/brass/abalone – very special gift from my mother.
She bought it in ’72, and I may have recently begged her to give it to me…..
Jewelry: If you’ve read my other posts, you know these pieces by now. If not, do so!




