Frivolous Universe

Tag "Comfort clothes"

Well, folks……I had a really lovely outfit planned for today’s blog, none of which is pictured here. It included gorgeous layers of silk and wool, with a stunner of a Hazel Cox necklace I have yet to include in an FU post, and the kind of color palate that makes me weak in the knees – muted shades of plum, ochre, chocolate and taupe. Yep… laid plans indeed.

After another white-knuckle journey up north to McCall from my blessedly snow-free Boise home (if you missed my last adventure, click here), I arrived at my mother’s house safe but with a wicked case of cold sweats and an overwhelming eagerness for a warm fireplace and hot cup of tea. Little did I know, my snowy escapade was far from over…..

Any sane person would look at these photos and think – jeez, lady! Wasn’t it more than obvious you should not have driven into that driveway with your rinky-dink car?? Well, yes….it does appear to be a simple case of stupidity, doesn’t it…..but no! The scheming, deceitful snow is to blame! When I pulled up to the house, the snow had ever so carefully dusted itself across this gaping wallow of slush, making it appear solid. So I happily pulled in, thinking I was minutes away from shaking off the harrowing day in the comfort of Ma’s house, when – KA-THUNK – I suddenly found myself leaning distinctly to the left and unable to get out of the driver’s side door for fear of flooding my car.

So, after hefting myself out the passenger’s side door and huffing and puffing around the house a few minutes, cursing the mean ol snow and wishing I drove a giant 4WD truck, I finally called AAA. You’d think (or at least I thought) a trusted name such as theirs could end all my woes with one quick call, but no….the saga continues.

Idaho winter, getting stuck in the snow, McCall Idaho

Apparently, even though I pay for roadside service anywhere, anytime, because I was stuck in a driveway my membership did not cover extraction from this mess. In the condescending words of the woman with whom I spoke, “It’s your responsibility to keep your driveway clear, and same goes for anyone you visit. Sorry I can’t do anything more for you.” For f%&* sake…..really? So with the looming dread of a $100 service bill looming over my head, I called up my secret weapon – master negotiator, Dustin Scott (may also be proudly referred to as my manfriend). Within minutes, he had AAA eating their words and a tow truck on the way. My hero! (swoon)

“Best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” – Robert Burns

 In other words, even if you set out ahead of the storm, it may easily catch up to you. And even though the footing looks solid, beneath that invitingly smooth surface a ghastly mess of trouble may be lying in wait.

Of the plans I made for my day, the best one by far was to forego the fashion photo shoot in favor of jammie pants and a cozy sweater (and pouring myself a glass of wine, post haste).

yoga pants, cozy sweater, red wine, antique style photo, hand knit sweater, top knot hair style


Kim Jong-il is dead, it’s cold as a witch’s tit outside, and I haven’t commenced my Christmas shopping. I’m craving comfort food and comfort clothes, and even Julia Green’s mural of a flying sausage in downtown Boise has me jonzing: I want to eat bratwurst; I want a personal shopper; I want a return to bustling health; I want to rock the lederhosen.

Poncho: Anthropologie (Boise, Idaho)

Leggings: Splendid (Fancy Pants, Boise)

Instead, I content myself with padding around in extreme comfort wear. (As long as one owns a poncho and a pair of Splendid leggings, I believe, there is no excuse for sweats.) Mere hours after this picture was taken, I wore this same outfit, sans poncho, to Body Jam—a.k.a. fantastically dorky hip-hop dance class—at the Downtown Y. If depression involves taking yourself too seriously, Body Jam is a tricyclic.

Cece suede ballet flats in wild berry: J. Crew (Boise Towne Square)

I have high arches and bad feet (nails in my left ankle and torn up cartilage in my right toe), so I’m very careful about shoes—especially ballet flats—but this new model by J.Crew is a delight to wear. Made in Italy, they have plenty of padding as well as an arch-hugging, hidden wedge that makes feet feel happier and calves appear sexier. No more web-footed duck walk when I’m wearing these hot pink tamales.

Gloves: echo (Marshall’s)

I am always cold. I love elbow length gloves. ‘Nuff said.

Long wool coat: Donnybrook (Made in Ukraine)

After a few minutes of freezing my butt off, I changed my look to Delhi Duty Free meets Perestroika. I bought this coat at Burlington Coat Factory when I was 16. I now have a healthy aversion to most things I liked when I was 16, but not the Velvet Underground and not my Dr. Zhivago coat.

Faux fur trapper hat: North Face

Earrings: My dad brought these back from Luang Prabang, Laos

Only five more days till Christmas . . . . I will definitely be shopping local.

Dear Photographer:

Thank you, Spiderwoman (a.k.a. Kelly Lynae)! xo xo xo
