Frivolous Universe

Tag "Afghanistan ring"

Amongst the thrift store racks I discovered a glorious polyester tunic with matching elastic waist pants decorated with mysterious stains that looked a lot like adult spittle, odd and slightly gross yes, but still strangely intriguing. The lavender hue and the v-line seam on the front of the tunic reminds me of Deanna Troi from the Star Trek Enterprise.

Add to the tunic some silver accents and . . .

Old pawn silver necklace: Navajo, gift

hello Will Riker.

Vintage polyester tunic: home made, thrift store
Silver leggings: brand unknown, Wet Seal
Ankle boots: Report

Ethnic vintage silver cuff: Afghanistan, Armor Bijoux
Ethnic vintage silver ring: Kazakhstan, Armor Bijoux

1950s Ernst Engel reversible ski jacket: thrift store, borrowed from Kelly
Polyester 1960s tunic: handmade, thrift store

I’m a big chocolate slut.

Thank you Anna for your photographic eye.
